D.J. is Dorothy Jean, the only daughter born to Grandma. She is 4 and 1/2 years old at this time. She was born May 6th in Marion, Marion County, Ohio.
Will, Virgil and Roy are all son's of Lloyd from his first marriage to Daisy May Weaver back in 1900. Lloyd married Daisy five years before Mary would even be born. Daisy divorce him in 1922 in Huron County, Ohio, where she had gone to live. This divorce is case #11006 in the Court of Common Pleas, Norwalk, Huron County.
I once visited with my uncle Virgil, my father's half brother. He told me that he recalled as a youngster his dad coming home drunk one night. His mother, Daisy, was very angry with him, so much so that she grabbed ahold of him and banged his head several times against the leg of their pot bellied stove in their home in Cardington.
The divorce papers state he'd left her with nothing, taking all their furnishings and selling them for liquor. Guess she'd had enough.
Mattie is mentioned as visiting on the 6th. Mattie is Lloyd's sister-in-law from his first marriage. She is also his sister-in-law by virtue of the fact that his brother William (Will) is Mattie's spouse. Three Weavers married three Bensons. There's Will Benson and Mattie Weaver; Lloyd Benson and Daisy Weaver; Garnie Benson and Marion Weaver.
Will, Virgil and Roy are all son's of Lloyd from his first marriage to Daisy May Weaver back in 1900. Lloyd married Daisy five years before Mary would even be born. Daisy divorce him in 1922 in Huron County, Ohio, where she had gone to live. This divorce is case #11006 in the Court of Common Pleas, Norwalk, Huron County.
I once visited with my uncle Virgil, my father's half brother. He told me that he recalled as a youngster his dad coming home drunk one night. His mother, Daisy, was very angry with him, so much so that she grabbed ahold of him and banged his head several times against the leg of their pot bellied stove in their home in Cardington.
The divorce papers state he'd left her with nothing, taking all their furnishings and selling them for liquor. Guess she'd had enough.
Mattie is mentioned as visiting on the 6th. Mattie is Lloyd's sister-in-law from his first marriage. She is also his sister-in-law by virtue of the fact that his brother William (Will) is Mattie's spouse. Three Weavers married three Bensons. There's Will Benson and Mattie Weaver; Lloyd Benson and Daisy Weaver; Garnie Benson and Marion Weaver.
So...the doctor is doing some kind of physical therapy...for the toes? I thought it was her legs that were a problem?