Friday, October 29, 2010

Friday, October 26th, 1935

Radio and recovery

Lloyd heads out early to go to the big city in hopes of finding a new car, but instead comes home with a big surprise for Mary-- a new radio!

The next day she manages to get to the dinner table on her own for the first time since delivering lil baby David on the 14th. Paul, who had been gravely ill, finally goes back to school on Monday after being out for weeks and weeks.

Something different happens here in the diary, too. 1935 pages that were left blank become the pages that she records some 1944 happenings.

Flash forward 9 years. Paul is now a young man. He is getting ready to leave in the US Army. His marriage to Patsy is also recorded.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Tuesday, October 22, 1935

Weak and no foolin'

Mary sits up for the first time following giving birth in her entry here. Few people have been by since the doc put the soft pedal on things.

She hopes that her mother gets her letter. Her mother is still recovering from a recent surgery. Payday comes and Lloyd gets a good pay.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Friday, October 18th, 1935

Recovery from childbirth not easy

Mary reports after two days of silence that she is very sick and didn't think she would live. We should probably take her at her word. C.G. comes by, and it is supposed that that is Dr. Grover. He put the "soft pedal" to things and that helped.

As we reflect on our parentage, so does she. She remembers that it is her parent's wedding anniversary. Ovello H. Hemminger and Lenora Francis Wright were married October 20th, 1903 in Columbus, Ohio. Her dad died in a car accident December 9th, 1929, just about six years earlier.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Monday, October 14th, 1935

6 1/2 pounds, and isn't he
"an awful sweet baby?"

Today is the day. Little David Arthur Benson was born at 12:50 pm, delivered by his father there at their Marion home. Can you imagine the excitement?

Mary reports that she suffered some and didn't have any medicine to help her along. Friends helped out, like Massie, Hellen, Florence and Mrs. Gilbert. Mrs. Bosh was surprised as were some of the other neighbors that the baby had come.

This is Mary's fourth and last child. Happy birthay, baby!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Thursday, October 10th, 1935

Always manage to keep going

She sews, bakes pies and make noodles. She goes to movies. She shops. She makes apple butter. Mary sure does manage to keep going.

Paul is noted as doing better from his recent illness, but he doesn't go along with the rest of the family to visit grandma Lenora.