Thursday, August 26, 2010

Tuesday, August 27th, 1935

Pickles, garters and prayer

Mary's mother is taken to Columbus for a gall bladder operation. Some money got wired to them to make things happen. Was it Florence? Who is Florence? Who is the old maid she doesn't like?

The 28th is Lloyd's birthday. He is 54. He got for his birthday new socks, a tie and a garter. Whoo-hoo. Then he worked on putting pickles up for winter.

The pickling continued the next day as well with Nellie and Massie. Word was also received that her mother, Lenora, would be operated on the next day. Frank, Ida and E. came around midnight to drive her to the hospital in Columbus. She says they had trouble. Today a drive from Marion to Columbus should only take about an hour, depending. She didn't arrive until 5:30 am!

The next day the operation took place. Mary cried and prayed and went without eating nearly all day. She stayed with her mother until about 8 pm.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Friday, August 23rd, 1935

Mother not well

Three more days without entries. On the 26th we learn that Mary's mother, Lenora, is not doing well. Gall bladder problems.

Two people are mentioned for the first time. Who are they? Uncle W, probably married to Florence as we will see after we turn this page; the other is Miss Irma. Who are they? Lenora did not have a brother with a name that began with a W or a spouse named Florence.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Sunday, August 11th, 1935

Feeling cranky?

You might feel cranky if your ear ached. By the 13th Mary says her ear broke. Ouch.

She was so cranky she mentions that if all those Benson men thought she'd have dinner for them, well, they had another think coming. Especially Virgil. What did step son Virgil do to raise her ire?

You can see Mary stop writing with this ear ache. She will not write again for another week.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Wednesday, August 7th, 1935


Lloyd's eldest son from his first marriage, Roy, is taken to the hospital in Mansfield to be tended to for appendicitis. Roy will be 35 years old on the 25th of this month.

While their machine has continuing troubles, they do go as far as Galion headed over to see Roy. They stayed at Aunt Laura's. Who is this? (Might this be Laura Garver? not a true aunt?)

There's still trouble with that washing machine. Payday comes and so do the purchases. A drive to the country provides them with chicken. Think of it! Roast chicken, fresh from the country.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Saturday, August 3rd, 1935

It's Paul's Birthday!

And he gets a licking! It's a family tradition. Hey, I got the birthday lickings, too. Plus a pinch to grow an inch. Happy birthday, Paul!

Mary's mom isn't feeling well, and she's acting, well, funny. The family is still visiting there. Mollie is mentioned. Who is she?

The poor puppy got it's leg broken by lil D.J. To top it off, it is missing the next day. What's going on here? Hmmm. Someone getting rid of damaged goods?

The washing machine (must be used) isn't working right, and boy is Lloyd not pleased. The clothes looked "like the dickens" and Lloyd did some growling about it.

Tuesday, July 30th, 1935

Beer here!

Lloyd went to get some yeast. He's making home brew. By this time, beer is legal again. Prohibition ended just a few years earlier. Lloyd and Mary had some brewing experience from that time.

It's also so hot that naps are in order and the kids slept downstairs during the night. Remember the days before AC? The upstairs could get unbearably hot after a day of hot sun.

Nellie gets the news that Mary is pregnant. Surprise! Oh, and in the margin: "The kids got a dog." Guess that is two surprises.